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Troubleshooting issues with the AirBuddy widget on macOS Big Sur and later

Version 11 of macOS (Big Sur) introduced a new widget system that apps must adopt. Unfortunately, this system designed by Apple has some issues, such as the inability for developers to update their app's widgets as often as they would like. AirBuddy tries its best to keep the widget always available and up-to-date, but sometimes there could be issues that require a bit of troubleshooting.

If the AirBuddy widget is not updating

The AirBuddy widget updates as often as possible, whenever the app detects changes to the devices that you have in one of your configured widgets. To preserve its ability to keep updating the widget, there can be a slight delay between the data that's shown in the AirBuddy dashboard in the Menu Bar and the data that's shown in the widget.

However, that delay shouldn't be longer than a few seconds. If you're seeing a really long delay or not getting widget updates at all, follow the steps below to address the issue:

  • Launch the AirBuddy settings by clicking the Menu Bar icon, then clicking the gear icon (or launch the app from Finder)
  • In the settings window, select the Advanced tab
  • Click the "Clear Widget Cache" button
  • Go back to the General tab
  • Flick the "Enable AirBuddy" switch to the off position
  • Turn the "Enable AirBuddy" switch back on

These steps should make the widget update normally again.

If you can't find the AirBuddy widget in Notification Center

Due to a bug in macOS, sometimes when a Mac app is updated, its widgets are not displayed in Notification Center for you to add or configure them. This post offers several suggestions that might resolve the issue.